Other Key Documents
NYDEC Information Links
Citizen Participation Plan for the Onondaga Lake Bottom Subsite – March 2009
Onondaga Lake Remedial Design Work Plan – March 2009
Draft Onondaga Lake Dredging, Sediment Management and Water Treatment Initial Design Submittal
Consent Decree Supporting Documents
Consent Decree Fact Sheet – October 2006
Consent Decree Onondaga Lake Bottom Subsite of the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site
Concurrence Letter from DOH to DEC
EPA Information Links
Onondaga Lake
Onondaga Lake Site Description
Onondaga Lake Superfund Site Progress Profile
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the New York State Department of Health, have issued the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Onondaga Lake Bottom site, a subsite to the Onondaga Lake National Priorities List Site. The ROD, which documents the selected remedy for the site, was signed on July 1, 2005. The ROD includes a Responsiveness Summary which responds to the comments received during the public review process.
This fact sheet highlights the Record of Decision and provides site background information, as well as contact information should you desire additional information.
Related local news:
Honeywell plans to dredge and bury Onondaga Lake sediments
A hydraulic dredger like this one is part of Honeywell’s plan to
pull contaminated sediments from the floor of Onondaga Lake.
Atlantic States Legal Foundation, the Syracuse group which filed a lawsuit in the 1980s to force Onondaga County to stop polluting the lake with sewage, is among those advocating for a different dredging plan.
Samuel Sage, president of Atlantic States, said the group would like to see the dredged sediment cleaned and returned to the lake, rather than buried in Camillus.
Photo Courtesy of Honeywell