LCP Chemical
A sub-site of the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site
The LCP Bridge Street plant is located in the Town of Geddes, immediately south of the New York State Fairgrounds. Land uses to the east and west are industrial. The Village of Solvay lies to the south.
Allied Chemical (now a part of Honeywell, Inc.) began operating a “chlor-alkali” chemical plant at this location in 1953. Caustic soda (NaOH) and liquid chlorine (Cl2) were manufactured here using the “diaphragm cell” and “mercury cell” electrolytic processes. Bleach, and hydrochloric acid were also produced here. Allied sold the plant to Linden Chemicals and Plastics (LCP) in 1979. LCP continued to operate this plant until 1988, when it was it was shut down after a series of accidental chlorine releases to the air. The plant owner (Hanlin Group) was also fined by OSHA for numerous safety violations, and in 1992 filed for bankruptcy.
A small portion of the site was used by Allied Chemical from 1956 to 1969 for manufacturing hydrogen peroxide. These operations contaminated local groundwater with xylene.

In October 2004, a $14 million cleanup effort of the main plant site (Operable Unit-1) began, including these major components:
- removal of contaminated sediments from the West Flume (these were moved to the LCP site)
- treatment of mercury-contamination in the top six feet of soils excavated from certain areas of the LCP site. Over seven tons of elemental mercury was recovered using a soil-washing process. All contamination in deeper soils, including many tons of elemental mercury, was left in place.
- installation of a slurry wall around the perimeter of the site (see Fig. 2)
- installation of a temporary cap and a groundwater collection system.These activities were completed in 2008. A final cap has yet to be installed. The site is fenced and security is maintained to minimize public exposure to on-site contamination.
A final cap over the 20-acre site has yet to be installed. Current plans call for the addition of >100,000 cu. yards of contaminated sediments from Geddes Brook and Ninemile Creek at the site. Groundwater from the site is being pumped and treated continuously. This will need to be continued into the future indefinitely.
The former hydrogen peroxide plant is being treated as a separate cleanup operation (Operable Unit 2, or OU-2). The remedial investigation (RI) for OU-2 has been completed and approved. A Feasibility Study (FS) which examines different cleanup options is currently under review.
Partial list of site Contaminants
CAS # | Contaminant Name | Contaminated Media |
More Information |
11097-69-1 | AROCLOR-1254 | Sediment | |
118-74-1 | HEXACHLOROBENZENE | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
118-74-1 | HEXACHLOROBENZENE | Sediment | ATSDR Profile |
1336-36-3 | PCBs | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
1336-36-3 | PCBs | Soil | ATSDR Profile |
1336-36-3 | PCBs | Surface Water | ATSDR Profile |
56-55-3 | BENZO[A]ANTHRACENE | Ground Water | |
67-66-3 | CHLOROFORM | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
71-43-2 | BENZENE | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
7439-92-1 | LEAD | Sediment | ATSDR Profile |
7439-92-1 | LEAD | Soil | ATSDR Profile |
7439-92-1 | LEAD | Surface Water | ATSDR Profile |
7439-97-6 | MERCURY | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
7439-97-6 | MERCURY | Other | ATSDR Profile |
7439-97-6 | MERCURY | Sediment | ATSDR Profile |
7439-97-6 | MERCURY | Soil | ATSDR Profile |
7439-97-6 | MERCURY | Surface Water | ATSDR Profile |
7440-36-0 | ANTIMONY | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
7440-47-3 | CHROMIUM | Surface Water | ATSDR Profile |
75-00-3 | CHLOROETHANE | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
75-01-4 | VINYL CHLORIDE | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
75-34-3 | 1,1-DCA | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
75-35-4 | 1,1-DCE | Ground Water | ATSDR Profile |
Summary of Project Completion Dates
Contaminants of Concern (Including Materials Disposed)
Type of Waste | Quantity of Waste |

Contacts for more information and comments
Richard Mustico, Project Manager
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Phone: 518-402-9676
625 Broadway, 12th floor; Albany, NY 12233-7016
Documents for this site are available for public inspection at:
Atlantic States Legal Foundation Depository Library
658 West Onondaga Street, Syracuse NY 13204-3711
Phone: 315-475-1170 Fax: 315-475-6719
Onondaga County Public Library
Central Branch at the Galleries
447 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202
Phone: (315) 435-1800
Hours: M, Th, Fri, Sat, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Tu, W, 9:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7016
Phone: (518) 402-9676
Hours: M – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Please call for an appointment
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Region 7
615 Erie Blvd. West, Syracuse, NY 13204-2400
Phone: (315) 426-7400
Hours: M – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Please call for an appointment