Site Code: C734088

by S&W Redevelopment of North America, LLC
Site Description
The ABM Site is comprised of 2 parcels located at 400-404 (Tax #117.-08-07.0) and 380 (Tax #117.-08-06.1) Spencer Street in the City of Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. The site is surrounded by Kirkpatrick Street (North), Spencer Street (South), the City of Syracuse property (West), and an industrial area (East). The parcels total approximately 2.7 acres in size and are separated by Onondaga Creek, a tributary to Onondaga lake. The West Parcel includes an area of approximately 0.6 acres, and the larger East Parcel includes an area of approximately 2.1 acres. The West Parcel is currently occupied by a one-story concrete block building that was formerly used as office space and a machinery shop. The East Parcel is currently vacant land. Site remediation occurred in 2005 and 2006. Remediation on the West Parcel included soil excavation, and off-site disposal, of PCB contaminated soil greater than 10 ppm. Remediation on the East Parcel included excavation and off-site disposal of the paint waste. An Environmental Easement was filed with the County Clerk on 12/14/2006. A COC was issued on December 22, 2006. Off-site PCB soil contamination exists and the investigation will be conducted under site no. 734069.
Summary of Project Completion Dates
Contaminants of Concern (Including Materials Disposed)
Type of Waste | Quantity of Waste |
Site Environmental Assessment
PCB contamination of soils has been remediated on the West Parcel to 10 ppm subsurface with a 1-foot cover. Off-site PCB contamination exists on the west bank of Onondaga Creek, and potentially to the north and west on City of Syracuse Property. Paint waste contamination has been remediated on the East Parcel. Residual groundwater contamination (VOCs) exists, as well as upgradient groundwater contamination entering the site. A 1-foot soil cover exists. An Environmental Easement was filed with the County Clerk on 12/14/2006. A COC was issued on December 22, 2006.
More Information
Environmental Easements
In accordance with the requirements of New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Article 71, Title 36, certain sites are subject to the requirements of an environmental easement. To protect public health and the environment, environmental easements can be used to restrict the use of a property to specified categories (e.g., commercial, industrial) or to require the long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring of engineering controls (e.g., a landfill cover system). Environmental easements are granted by title owners of the property to the Department of Environmental Conservation (“Department”), run with the land, and are enforceable in perpetuity. The property owners must periodically certify to the Department that the restrictions and requirements included in the easement remain in-place and effective. ECL Article 71, Title 36 also requires the Department to assist local governments in the review of their land use permits on lands that are subject to environmental easements. For associated procedures and a request form to be used by local governments, link to Procedures for Processing Building Permit Evaluation Requests. For questions on environmental easements, please contact the Department’s Division of General Counsel at (518) 402-9521
The above referenced easement can be found here:
Summary of Project Completion Dates
Project Name | Completion Date |
Remedial Investigation | 07/26/2005 |
Remedial Design | 07/26/2005 |
Remedial Action | 12/22/2006 |
Certificate of Completion | 12/22/2006 |